University "G. d’Annunzio" Chieti - Pescara

The STANCO summer school was organized by the University "G.d'Annunzio" Chieti-Pescara and held at the Cambridge University (UK) and Cranfield University (UK).

The course directors were Prof. Piero Di Carlo (Univ. Chieti-Pescara, IT) and Prof. Jim McQuaid (Univ. Leeds, UK). During the school, courses were held at Cambridge University with the aim of providing an overview of measurement techniques and data analysis of relevant atmospheric compounds. In addition, the FAAM headquarters and the BAe146 science plane, hosted at the University of Cranfield, were visited. Finally, three scientific flights were organized and carried out on board the BAe146 science plane around the metropolitan area of London with the aim of characterizing its chemical composition and physical properties.


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