University "G. d’Annunzio" Chieti - Pescara

At the our laboratory, fluxes measurements are carried out to evaluate the exchanges between earth and air of chemical compounds.


 The study of atmospheric fluxes is an important sector of tropospheric chemistry, investigating the exchanges between the atmosphere and the earth's surface and, moreover, between the atmosphere and the sea surface of compounds that can be both biogenic and non-biogenic in nature.


Through the instrumentation developed at the Laboratory of Physics and Chemistry of Atmosphere and Climatology of the University "G. d'Annunzio" of Chieti-Pescara, or the TD-LIF, it was possible to evaluate the fluxes of NO2, ΣRO2NO2 ed ΣRONO2 in an environment, like that of the Borneo rainforest, which represents a real living laboratory for the study of the impact of human activities (deforestation in favor of oil palm plantations) on biogenic emissions in forest.

Furthermore, a flux chamber has recently been developed for measurements of CO2 fluxes from the ground for not only atmospheric but also geochemical applications. In fact, one of the possible applications of this type of instrumentation, still in the experimental phase, may be to look for possible correlations between CO2 fluxes and seismic activity along active faults. Alongside this, a flux chamber like the one developed at the University "G. d'Annunzio" of Chieti-Pescara, will measure biogenic CO2 fluxes (from vegetation and subsoil).

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