The STANCO summer school was organized by the University "G.d'Annunzio" Chieti-Pescara and held at the Cambridge University (UK) and Cranfield University (UK).
In April 2015 the TD-LIF was used for a campaign of measurements on NO2 and precursors, at the Cape Verde Atmospheric Observatory.
The Auchencorth Moss campaign, aimed at the study of nitrogen compounds and associated fluxes, took place between April and June 2014.
The SONATA summer school took place from 17 to 28 August 2011 at the Pescara airport (Italy) as part of the EUFAR FP7 training courses.
BORTAS is an air campaign held in the summer 2011 at the airport of Halifax (Canada), where observations were made on the emissions from forest fires in the boreal forest.
The RONOCO Winter campaign was held at East Midland Airport between 10 and 28 January 2011 as part of the RONOCO project.
The SeptEx campaign was organized between August 31st and September 9th 2010 in East Midland (United Kingdom) as part of the RONOCO project.
The TD-LIF, installed on the FAAM BAE146 aircraft, was used in July 2010 during the RONOCO campaign, aimed at studying the NO3 at night.
In July 2008, a second version of the LIF system was used in Borneo during a campaign for measurements of NO2, peroxynitrates (ΣPNs) and alkylnitrates (ΣANs).