Università degli Studi "G. d’Annunzio" Chieti - Pescara

Presso il DiSPUTer è attivo il Corso di dottorato in in Earthquake and Environmental Hazards (EEH) di cui il Prof. Di Carlo è vice-coordinatore. Le attività del Laboratorio di Fisica-Chimica dell'Atmosfera e Climatologia sono direttamente collegate all'EEH PhD (PhD Course in Earthquake and Environmental Hazards), in particolare nell'area 2 - "Environmental pollution monitoring and analysis for environmental hazard assessment" di cui è responsabile il Prof. Di Carlo.

PhD Course in Earthquake and Environmental Hazards - EEHEnvironmental Pollution and Hazard

Research and teaching activities concern the analysis of the role of anthropogenic and natural emissions on the degradation of water and air quality. Multi-disciplinary analytical investigations will be carried out to assess the impacts of the atmospheric, soil and water composition changes on climate, ecosystems and well-being. Crustal gas emission associated with earthquake activity will be also analyzed. The exchanges processes among air, soil and ocean are other key topics for a global picture of the environmental hazard. Basic disciplines are Physics of the Earth and Atmosphere, Geochemistry/Petrology and Plant Ecosystems.



A.A. 2018-2019 | XXXIV° ciclo di dottorato di ricerca in "Earthquake and Environmental Hazards"

Attualmente non sono ancora disponibili informazioni per il XXXIV° ciclo di dottorato.


A.A. 2017-2018 | XXXIII° ciclo di dottorato di ricerca in "Earthquake and Environmental Hazards"

Simone d'Incecco
PhD thesis: "Trace gas emissions and active faulting: interactions and connections“
PhD project supervisors: Doc. Di Carlo Piero and Prof. Brozzetti Francesco 


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