Presso il DiSPUTer è attivo il Corso di dottorato in in Earthquake and Environmental Hazards (EEH) di cui il Prof. Di Carlo è vice-coordinatore. Le attività del Laboratorio di Fisica-Chimica dell'Atmosfera e Climatologia sono direttamente collegate all'EEH PhD (PhD Course in Earthquake and Environmental Hazards), in particolare nell'area 2 - "Environmental pollution monitoring and analysis for environmental hazard assessment" di cui è responsabile il Prof. Di Carlo.
Environmental Pollution and Hazard
Research and teaching activities concern the analysis of the role of anthropogenic and natural emissions on the degradation of water and air quality. Multi-disciplinary analytical investigations will be carried out to assess the impacts of the atmospheric, soil and water composition changes on climate, ecosystems and well-being. Crustal gas emission associated with earthquake activity will be also analyzed. The exchanges processes among air, soil and ocean are other key topics for a global picture of the environmental hazard. Basic disciplines are Physics of the Earth and Atmosphere, Geochemistry/Petrology and Plant Ecosystems.
A.A. 2018-2019 | XXXIV° ciclo di dottorato di ricerca in "Earthquake and Environmental Hazards"
A.A. 2017-2018 | XXXIII° ciclo di dottorato di ricerca in "Earthquake and Environmental Hazards"
Simone d'Incecco
PhD thesis: "Trace gas emissions and active faulting: interactions and connections“
PhD project supervisors: Doc. Di Carlo Piero and Prof. Brozzetti Francesco