Università degli Studi "G. d’Annunzio" Chieti - Pescara

Presentazioni orali o di Poster.

POSTER=presentazione poster
ORAL=presentazione orale
ORAL PDC=presentazione orale di Piero Di Carlo

55China-Italy Science, Technology & Innovation Week, Beijing 11-16/11/2017. Smart Cities & Communities Session. P. Di Carlo, Nanoparticles in the atmosphere: multidisciplinary study on their cleaning capacity and impact on Health and Ecosystems (ORAL PDC).

54COP22, Climate Change Conference, Marrakech 08/11/2016. Side Event: Voluntary tools for local adaptation: the potential of river contracts. P. Di Carlo, River responses to Climate Changes (ORAL PDC).

53PM2016, Roma 17-20 Maggio 2016. Biancofiore F., M. Busilacchio, M. Verdecchia, B. Tomassetti, E. Aruffo, S. Bianco, S. Di Tommaso, C. Colangeli, P. Di Carlo, PM10 and PM2.5 in an urbanarea of the Adriaticcoast: Trends and forecastusinga recursive neuralnetwork model (ORAL PDC)

52Atmospheric Composition and the Asian Summer Monsoon conference. Bangkok (Thailand) 8-10 June 2015. Putero D., P. Cristofanelli, A. Marinoni, B. Adhikary, R. Duchi, S.D. Shrestha, G.P. Verza, T.C. Landi, F. Calzolari, M. Busetto, F. Biancofiore, P. Di Carlo, M. Rupakheti, A. Panday, and P. Bonasoni, Seasonal variation of short-lived climate forcers/pollutants at Paknajol, an urban area in the city of Kathmandu, Nepal (POSTER).

51EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria): 27 April-2 May 2013. Busilacchio M., P. Di Carlo, E. Aruffo, F. Biancofiore, F. Giammaria, S. Bauguitte, J. Lee, S. Moller, A. Lewis, M. Parrington, P. Palmer, C. Dari Salisburgo, Total peroxy nitrates and ozone production : analysis of forest fire plumes during BORTAS campaign (POSTER).

50EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria): 27 April-2 May 2013. Biancofiore F., M. Verdecchia, P. Di Carlo, B. Tomassetti, E. Aruffo, M. Busilacchio, S. Bianco, S. Di Tommaso, C. Colangeli, 7-year of surface ozone in a coastal city of central Italy: Observations and models (POSTER).

49EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria): 27 April-2 May 2013. Aruffo E., P. Di Carlo, A. D’Altorio, M. Busilacchio, F. Biancofiore, F. Giammaria, F. Del Grande, P. Bonasoni, P. Cristofanelli, E. Vuillermoz, The first one year measurements at the Monte Portella (Italy) climate high altitude station (POSTER).

48Gas Instrumentation Sandpit Workshop, Catania, 2 - 5 September 2013. Rosatelli G., P. Di Carlo, F. Giammaria, E. Aruffo, F. del Grande, F. Stoppa, G. Visconti, GEO-TALPA, Gas micro-analyser (ORAL)

47EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria): 7-12 April 2013. Di Carlo P., E. Aruffo, M. Busilacchio, F. Giammaria, C. Dari-Salisburgo, F. Biancofiore, G. Visconti, J. Lee, S. Moller, C. E. Reeves, S. Bauguitte, G. Forster, R. L. Jones, B. Ouyang, P. I. Palmer, M. Parrington, J. McQuaid, R. Krejci, Aircraft simultaneous measurements of NO2, total peroxy nitrate, total alkyl nitrate, and HNO3: observations and main results from UK, Boreal forest and Central Italy. (ORAL PDC).

46EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria): 7-12 April 2013. E. Aruffo, P. Di Carlo, C. Dari-Salisburgo, F. Biancofiore, F. Giammaria, M. Busilacchio, J. Lee, S. Moller, S. Bauguitte, D. O’Sullivan, W. Morgan, B. Ouyang, O. Kennedy, R. Jones, G. Forster, C. Reeves, S. Vaughan, D. Heard, Aircraft observations above London city during a day and a night: ozone and alkyl nitrate formation. (ORAL).

45EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria): 7-12 April 2013. E. Aruffo, P. Di Carlo, M. Busilacchio, F. Biancofiore, C. Dari Salisburgo , F. Giammaria, Stephene Bauguitte, James Lee, Sarah Moller, Ally Lewis, Mark Parrington, Paul Palmer, Airborne observations of total alkyl nitrates during BORTAS campaign: analysis of the impact of forest fire emission on the Ox budget. (POSTER).

44EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria): 7-12 April 2013. Biancofiore F., P. Di Carlo, E. Aruffo, C. Dari-Salisburgo, M. Busilacchio, F. Giammaria, C. Reeves, S. Moller, J. Lee, M. Evans, D. Stone, R. L. Jones, B. Ouyang, Role of aerosol uptake in controlling the oxidation of isoprene through reaction with NO3: model analyses of aircraft observations during RONOCO campaign. (ORAL).

43EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria): 7-12 April 2013. Busilacchio M., P. Di Carlo, E. Aruffo, F. Biancofiore, C. Dari Salisburgo, F. Giammaria, S. Bauguitte, J. Lee, S. Moller, A. Lewis, M. Parrington, P- Palmer, Airborne profiles of NO2, total peroxy nitrates and total alkyl nitrates, analysis of forest fire plumes during BORTAS campaign. (POSTER).

42International Congress of Trufficulture, Teurel (Spagna), 5-8 Marzo 2013. Pacioni G., Leonardi M., Di Carlo P., De Laurentiis G., Monitoring the birth and development of thuffles in tuber melanosporum orchads. (ORAL).

41AGU meeting, San Francisco (USA): 3-7 dicembre 2012. Morgan W.T., J. D. Allan, E. Aruffo, M. Le Breton, Di Carlo P., O. J. Kennedy, D. Lowe, J. B. A. Muller, B. Ouyang, R. Jones, G. B. McFiggans, C. J. Percival and H. Coe, Influence of aerosol chemical composition on N2O5 uptake: Airborne regional measurements in North-Western Europe. (POSTER).

40ISTP meeting, L’Aquila: 3-7 settembre 2012. Di Carlo P., E. Aruffo, C. Dari Salisburgo, F. Biancofiore, M. Busilacchio, F. Giammaria, C. Reeves, G. Forster, S. Moller, J. Lee, S. Bauguitte, C. Parcival, M. Le Breton, J. Muller, B. Ouyang, O. Kennedy, R. Jones, Tropospheric ozone budget: nighttime observation during the RONOCO campaign on-board the BAe-146 aircraft. (ORAL PDC).

39ISTP meeting, L’Aquila: 3-7 settembre 2012. Biancofiore F., Di Carlo P., E. Aruffo, C. Dari Salisburgo, M. Busilacchio, F. Giammaria, C. Reeves, G. Forster, S. Moller, J. Lee, S. Bauguitte, C. Parcival, M. Le Breton, J. Muller, B. Ouyang, O. Kennedy, R. Jones, NO3 oxidation of isoprene: model analyses of aircraft observations during RONOCO campaign. (POSTER).

38ISTP meeting, L’Aquila: 3-7 settembre 2012. Aruffo E., Di Carlo P., C. Dari Salisburgo, F. Biancofiore, F. Giammaria, S. Moller, J. Lee, S. Bauguitte, S. Vaughan, W. Morgan, R. Jones, G. Forster, C. Reeves, Aircraft Observations of NOy above UK during RONOCO campaign: implication for ΣANS and ozone production. (POSTER).

37ACCENT meeting, Urbino (Italy):13-16 September 2011. Di Carlo P., E. Aruffo, C. Dari Salisburgo, F. Biancofiore, F. Giammaria, S. Moller, J. Lee, S. Bauguitte, C. Parcival, M. Le Breton, J. Muller, J. Hopkins, B. Ouyang, O. Kennedy, R. Jones, G. Forster, C. Reeves, Aircraft total alkyl nitrates observations during RONOCO campaign: implication for the odd-oxygen budget . (POSTER).

36ACCENT meeting, Urbino (Italy):13-16 September 2011. Aruffo E., P. Di Carlo, C. Dari Salisburgo, F. Biancofiore, F. Giammaria, S. Moller, J. Lee, S. Bauguitte, C. Parcival, M. Le Breton, J. Muller, J. Hopkins, B. Ouyang, O. Kennedy, R. Jones, G. Forster, C. Reeves, Aircraft observations of NOy above UK during RONOCO campaign: implication for NOx and ozone production. (POSTER).

35ACCENT meeting, Urbino (Italy):13-16 September 2011. Biancofiore F., P. Di Carlo, C. Dari Salisburgo, E. Aruffo, F. Giammaria, S. Moller, J Lee, M. J. Evans, J. Hopkins, C. Jones, A. R. MacKenzie, C. N. Hewitt, Analysis of the total peroxy nitrates and total alkyl nitrates observed above a tropical rain forest. (ORAL).

34EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria): 4-8 April 2011. Di Carlo P., C. Dari-Salisburgo, E. Aruffo, F. Biancofiore, M. Busilacchio, F. Giammaria, C. Reeves, S. Moller, J. Lee, Airborne Laser Induced Fluorescence system for simultaneous measurements of nitrogen dioxide and speciated NOy. (ORAL PDC).

33ESA-iLEAPS-EGU joint Conference ESA-ESRIN, Frascati, Italy, 3-5 November 2010. Di Carlo P., C. Dari-Salisburgo, E. Aruffo, F. Biancofiore, F. Giammaria, J. Lee, S. Moller, B. Langford, J. Dorsey, M. Evans, LIF Observations of NO2, peroxy nitrate and alkyl nitrate concentration, and NO2 flux, in the Borneo forest during OP3 campaign (POSTER)

32EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria): 2-7 May 2010. Di Carlo P., C. Dari-Salisburgo, E. Aruffo, F. Giammaria, J. Lee, S. Moller, and G. Mills, Observations of NOx, peroxy nitrate and alkyl nitrate during OP3 campaign in the Borneo rain forest: diurnal cycles and the role in ozone production. (POSTER).

31EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria): 2-7 May 2010. Hewitt N., J. Lee, A. R. MacKenzie, P. Di Carlo, C. F. Di Marco, J. R. Dorsey, M. Evans, D. Fowler, M. W. Gallagher, J. R. Hopkins, C. E. Jones, B. Langford, A. C. Lewis, S. F. Lim, J. McQuaid, P. Misztal, S. J. Moller, P. S. Monks, E. Nemitz, D. E. Oram, S. M. Owen, G. J. Phillips, T. A. M. Pugh, J. A. Pyle, C. E. Reeves, J. Ryder, J. Siong, U. Skiba, and D. J. Stewart., Nitrogen management is essential to prevent tropical oil palm plantations from causing ground-level ozone pollution. (POSTER).

30EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria): 2-7 May 2010. Dari Salisburgo C., P. Di Carlo, E. Aruffo, B. Langford, J. Dorsey, and F. Giammaria, NO2 flux evaluation using laser induced fluorescence measurements and eddy covariance technique, in the Borneo forest during OP3 campaign. (POSTER).

29AGU Fall Meeting at San Francisco, USA: 15-19 December 2008. Di Carlo P., C. Dari-Salisburgo, E. Aruffo, F. Giammaria - The Behavior of the Nitrogen Dioxide, Total Peroxy Nitrates, and Total Alkyl Nitrates in the Borneo Forest During 2008 OP3 campaign. (POSTER).

28Atmospheric Chemical Mechanism Meeting, Davis, USA: 10-12 December 2008. Di Carlo P., E. Aruffo, C. Dari-Salisburgo, F. Giammaria - Observations of Nitrogen Dioxide, Total Peroxy Nitrates and Total Alkyl Nitrates in the Borneo Forest During 2008 OP3  campaign. (POSTER).

27OP3 science meeting at the University of Leeds, England: 27-28 November 2008. Di Carlo P., C. Dari-Salisburgo, E. Aruffo, F. Giammaria - Laser Induced Fluorescence observations of NO2  ∑PNs (RO2NO2) and ∑ANs (RONO2) at Danum Valley. (ORAL PDC).

26NOy Meeting at the University of Leeds: 27 November 2008. Di Carlo P., C. Dari-Salisburgo, E. Aruffo, F. Giammaria - Laser Induced Fluorescence system for  NO2  ΣPNs (RO2NO2) and ΣANs (RONO2)  measurements. (ORAL PDC).  

251st Workshop on Science Technology Through Long Duration Ballons, Roma, Giugno 3-4 2008. Di Carlo P. e Visconti G., Climatic Change and Atmospheric Composition Research via balloons, (ORAL PDC).

24IGAC 10th International Conference in Annecy, France: 7-12 September 2008. Di Carlo P., C. Dari-Salisburgo, E. Aruffo, F. Giammaria - Laser Induced fluorescence instrument for tropospheric NO2, Peroxy Nitrates, and Alkyl Nitrates measurements. (POSTER).

23Gordon Conference on Atmospheric Chemistry Big Sky, Montana, USA  4 – 9 September 2005. Piero Di Carlo, Cesare Dari-Salisburgo, Alfonso D’Altorio, Guido Visconti, Long Path DOAS system for tropospheric radicals measurements. (POSTER).

22The 29th International Cosmic Ray Conference July 31-August 7, Pune, India, 2005. F. Arciprete, M. Bohacova, B. Buonomo, R. Caruso, P. Di Carlo, M. Doubrava, A. Esposito , P. Facal, A. C. Fauth, C. Goletti, M. Hrabovsky, M. Iarlori, B. Keilhauer, E. Kemp, H.O. Klages, M. Kleifges, S. Klepser, G. Mazzitelli, A. Morozov, L. Nozka, M. Palatka, S. Petrera, P. Privitera, P. Prosposito, J. Ridky, V. Rizi, F. Salamida, A. Salamon, G. Salina, P. Schovanek, A. Ulrich, V. Vacek, V. Verzi, T. Waldenmaier, AIRFLY: Measurement of the fluorescence yield in atmospheric gases. (POSTER).

21EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria) 25-28 Aprile 2005. Piero Di Carlo , Massimiliano Barone, Ermanno Pietropaolo, Alfonso D’Altorio, and Guido Visconti, High resolution spectrometer for atmospheric studies: Filling in observation of sky spectra absorption lines, (POSTER).

20ACCENT workshop: “Free-radicals in the troposphere”, Leeds (Inghilterra)13-15 Aprile 2005. Piero Di Carlo, Cesare Dari-Salisburgo, Alfonso D’Altorio, and Guido Visconti, DOAS SYSTEM University of L’Aquila CETEMPS, (POSTER).

19PM2004, 1° Convegno Nazionale sul Particolato Atmosferico Milano 12-14 maggio 2004. Piero Di Carlo, William H. Brune, Monica Martinez, Hartwig Harder, Robert Lesher, Xinrong Ren, Guido Visconti,OH reactivity measurements: implications for ozone and aerosols studies. (POSTER).

18Gordon Conference on Atmospheric Chemistry Big Sky, Montana, USA  7 - 14 September 2003. Greg J. Frost, M. Martinez, H. Harder, W. H. Brune, P. Di Carlo, E. J. Williams, D. Hereid, B. T. Jobson, W. C. Kuster, J. M. Roberts, M. Trainer, F. C. Fehsenfeld, S. Hall, R. Shetter, T. Karl, E. Apel, D. Riemer, A. Geyer, J. Stutz, K. Baumann, Model-Measurement Comparisons of [OH], [HO2], and O3 Production Rate at La Porte Airport, Houston, during the 2000 Texas Air Quality Study. (POSTER).

17The 28th International Cosmic Ray Conference July 31-August 7, Tsukuba, Japan, 2003. F. Arciprete, M. Bohacova, J. Bluemer, E. Bollmann, R. Caruso, P. Di Carlo, C. Escobar, A. Esposito, P. Facal, A. C. Fauth, C. Goletti, M. Hrabovsky, E. Kemp, H.O. Klages, M. Kleifges, S. Klepser, M. Iarlori, G. Matthiae, G. Mazzitelli, H. Nogima, M. Palatka, S. Petrera, P. Privitera, P. Prosposito, J. Ridky, V. Rizi, G. Salina, L. Santos, P. Schovanek, V. Vacek, P. Valente, V. Verzi, V. Vins, M. Vlcek, T. Waldenmaier, AIRFLY: air fluorescence induced by electrons in a Wide Energy Range.  (POSTER).

16AGU 2002 Fall Meeting San Francisco, CA, USA, 6-10 December 2002. G J Frost, E Williams, D Hereid, B T Jobson, W Kuster, J Roberts, M Trainer, F C Fehsenfeld, M Martinez, H Harder, W Brune, P Di Carlo, S Hall, R Shetter, T Karl, E Apel, D Riemer, A Geyer, J Stutz, K Baumann, Model-Measurement Comparisons of [OH], [HO2], and P(O3) in Houston. (ORAL). 

15AGU 2002 Fall Meeting San Francisco, CA, USA, 6-10 December 2002. M Martinez, H Harder, W Brune, P Di Carlo, E Williams, D Hereid, T Jobson, W Kuster, J Roberts, M Trainer, F Fehsenfeld, S Hall, R Shetter, E Apel, D Riemer, A Geyer, J Stutz, K Baumann, The Behavior of the Hydroxyl and Hydroperoxyl Radicals During TexAQS2000. (POSTER). 

14AGU 2002 Fall Meeting San Francisco, CA, USA, 6-10 December 2002. P Di Carlo, M Martinez, H Harder, R Lesher, J Simpas, J Bassis, W Brune, The Behavior of the Hydroxyl and Hydroperoxyl Radicals During PROPHET2000. (POSTER). 

13INFM Meeting 2002, Bari, ITALY, 24-28 June, 2002. Piero Di Carlo, Fabrizio Masci, Guido Visconti, Alfonso D'Altorio, Antonella Taddei and William H. Brune, Long-path and in situ measurements of OH: on going activity at the University of L'Aquila INFM section. (ORAL PDC).

12INFM Meeting 2002, Bari, ITALY, 24-28 June, 2002. Piero Di Carlo, Hartwig Harder, Monica Martinez, William H. Brune, Sam R. Hall, Richard E. Shetter, Eric J. Williams, William Kuster, B. Tom Jobson, Tropospheric hydroxyl radicals Laser Induced Fluorescence measurement in a city. (POSTER).

11AGU 2002 Spring Meeting Washington, DC, USA, 28-31 May 2002. William Brune, Monica Martinez, Hartwig Harder, Thomas Kovacs, James Simpas, Piero Di Carlo, Xinrong Ren, Robert Lesher, The roles of hydroxyl and hydroperoxyl radical in urban and regional pollution: results from recent measurements. (POSTER).

1082nd Annual Meeting of the American Meteorological Society, Orlando, FL, USA, 13-17 January, 2002. M. Martinez, H. Harder, P. Di Carlo, W. H. Brune, S. R. Hall, R. E. Shetter, E. J. Williams, W. Kuster, and T. Jobson, OH and HO2 concentrations, production and loss rates at the La Porte site during TEXAQS 2000. (ORAL).

9Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Institut f. Chemie u. Dynamik der Geosphäre Institut II: Troposphäre, Juelich, Germany, 17 July 2001. W. Brune, I. Faloona, D. Tan, H. Harder, M. Martinez, T. Kovacs, J. Bassis, P. Di Carlo, Observing the atmosphere's hydroxyl radical - in the forest, in the city, and the upper troposphere, invited seminar. (ORAL).

8Workshop of TexAQS 2000, 7-10 August, Pickle Research Center of the University of Texas, Austin, 2001.  Martinez M., H. Harder, P. Di Carlo, W. H. Brune, E. J. Williams, S. R. Hall, R. E. Shetter, W.  Kuster and T. Jobson, OH and HO2 concentrations, production and loss rates at La Porte site during TexAQS 2000. (ORAL).

7IAMAS 2001, 10-18 July, Innsbruck, Austria, 2001. Harder H, Martinez M., Simpas J., Di Carlo P., Kovacs T., Brune W. H., Nighttime measurement of OH and HO2 and their ratio in rural and urban environments. (ORAL).

6IAMAS 2001, 10-18 July, Innsbruck, Austria, 2001. Martinez M., Harder H., Kovacs T., Di Carlo P., Fried A., Brune W. H., Williams E. J., Hall S. R., Shetter R. E., Wert B., OH and HO2 variations in urban environments during summertime. (ORAL).

520th International Laser Radar Conference, Vichy, France, July 2000. M. Iarlori, V. Rizi, P. Di Carlo, G. Visconti and F. Masci, Raman Lidar observation of tropospheric water vapour and cloud droplets. (POSTER).

420th International Laser Radar Conference, Vichy, France, July 2000. V. Rizi, F. Masci, P. Di Carlo, M. Iarlori, G. Redaelli and G. Visconti, Lidar observations of Shishaldin volcano aerosols. (POSTER).

3Remote sensing of cloud parameters: retrieval and validation, Delft, The Netherlands, October 1999. M. Iarlori, V. Rizi, P. Di Carlo, G. Visconti and F. Masci. Lidar observation of tropospheric water vapour in presence of thin clouds. (ORAL).

2Leonid MAC Workshop, Moffett Field, California, USA, April 1999. P. Di Carlo, V. Rizi, M. Iarlori, G. Visconti, F. Masci. Na LIDAR at L'Aquila (42.35°N, 13.35°E) Italy. (POSTER).

119th International Laser Radar Conference, Annepolis, USA, July 1998. P. Di Carlo, V. Rizi, and G. Visconti, Observations of mesospheric sodium over Italy. (POSTER).

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